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How To Build A Sheet Pile Retaining Wall

A sheet pile retaining wall is a structure that holds back soil or water. Sheet pile retaining walls are built to reduce erosion or to correct an awkwardly sloped landscape sheet pile retaining walls can be made of stone, concrete block, or wood timbers. Consideration should be given to the height, the type of soil behind the wall, and what will be on top of your sheet pile retaining wall. Based on these considerations, the appropriate type of sheet pile retaining wall can be constructed.

Gravity Sheet Pile Retaining Wall

The gravity sheet pile retaining wall is the most commonly built DIY (Do It Yourself) sheet pile retaining wall. Gravity sheet pile retaining walls have much thicker walls that the other types. The thicker walls and dense materials provide the weight needed to retain the material behind the wall. Instruction on how to build a Gravity sheet pile retaining wall are given below.

Sheet Pile Retaining Wall

Sheet pile retaining walls are usually used in soft soils and tight spaces. Sheet pile walls are made out of steel, vinyl or wood planks and are driven or buried into the ground.

Concrete Cantilever Sheet Pile Retaining Wall

Cantilevered sheet pile retaining walls are made from an internal steel-reinforced, cast-in-place concrete or mortared masonry stem. These walls cantilever loads (like a beam) to a large, structural footing, converting horizontal pressures from behind the wall to vertical pressures on the ground below.

Anchored Sheet Pile Retaining Wall

An anchored sheet pile retaining wall can be constructed in any of the aforementioned styles but also includes additional strength using cables or other stays anchored in the rock or soil behind it. This method is complex and not a good DIY project for the beginner.

Building a Gravity Sheet Pile Retaining Wall With Stackable Concrete Blocks

Stackable concrete blocks are generally recommended for walls less than 3’- 4’ high. Taller walls typically need additional structural reinforcement and may require a building permit along with professional advice or help.

This article comes from northside-toolrental edit released